The Oakland Promise has contributed both significant financial resources as well as mentorship to CCPA graduates.
Safe Passages provides mental health counseling, free legal services, a food pantry, tax preparation, and funds our 8th Period.
La Clinica de la Raza is the provider for the Havenscourt Health Clinic, in which students and their families can receive primary care services as well as dental and mental health.
Oakland Ed Fund (formerly OSF) has supported CCPA since its founding, and continues to be a valuable partner.
East Bay Community Law Center has staff on campus through our FRC weekly. The work with students and families primarily on housing and immigration issues.
BuildOn organizes community service and Trek opportunities for students.
East Bay Consortium’s Pre-Collegiate Academy is open by application to our students with above a 2.5 GPA at the end of 7th grade. The program offers rigorous summer academic instruction as well as continued mentorship through high school graduation.
College Track has afforded up to 10 students per year the opportunity to receive academic acceleration, after school tutoring, summer programming, guidance, and financial support.
Summer Search invites up to 6 nominees from our 10th grade every year. Students participate in summer travel opportunities as well as continued mentorship.
Mills Educational Talent Search (METS) works with a cohort of our students and provides college workshops, filed trips and advising.
No Barriers USA/Learning AFAR has funded and coordinated scholarship international trips since 2011.
Upward Bound at Mills offers college-prep support for our students "to ensure they are on the right path toward college entrance."
GetSet is a summer STEM program for rising high school girls.
Heads Up is a highly competitive summer program located at the Head Royce School in Oakland. Students are recruited for Heads Up in 5th grade.